Groote Eylandt Language Centre
Groote Eylandt Language Centre works to promote, maintain and preserve the Groote Eylandt language, Amamalya Ayakwa (Anindilyakwa). It hosts a significant collection of language and cultural resources relating to the Warnindilyakwa people. The Centre undertakes language projects both large and small, and offers services such as language recording and resource development, language advice and expertise, and translation.
Projects and activities undertaken by the Centre include:
- producing valuable resources in Amamalya Ayakwa (Anindilyakwa) such as Eningerribirra-langwa jurra (Anindilyakwa Children’s Dictionary)
- recording and digitising over twelve hundred Groote Eylandt Clan Songs
- building a collection of traditional stories in Amamalya Ayakwa (Anindilyakwa)
- publishing a large number of CDs and DVDs which are distributed in the community
- maintaining a collection of historical photos
- designing and building Ajamurnda, a community-focused digital catalogue of language and cultural resources
The Language Centre aims to work in an increaasingly integrated way with other organisations and facilities including media and radio, arts, anthropological services, and schools.
In August 2017, the Centre was awarded a large grant under the Commonwealth Government’s Indigenous Languages and Arts Program to develop an online catalogue of legacy, repatriated and newly recorded language resources.
The Centre was known over a long period as ‘Linguistics’. It evolved from the times when missionaries were in control of many of the island’s affairs, and up until 2006 ‘Linguistics’ was run by the Church Missionary Society.
Current staff of the Centre:
Brighde Collins

Carol Wurramara
Senior Language Officer

Thomas Bott

Donna Mamarika
Language Officer

Elvis Wurramara
Language Officer

Jennie Bara Bara
Senior Language Officer

Judy Lalara
Senior Language Officer

Karla Zuluaga

Katelynn Bara
Language Officer

Lucille Wurramara
Language Officer

Sarah Mamarika
Language Officer

The Groote Eylandt Language Centre can provide a number of services to partner and other organisations, and individuals. Some of these services are free, some involve payment:
- sales of dictionary and CDs/DVDs
- language strategy and advice
- translation from English to Amamalya Ayakwa (Anindilyakwa), and from Amamalya Ayakwa (Anindilyakwa) to English – text and/or audio*
* The Centre will retain rights in all Amamalya Ayakwa (Anindilyakwa) text and audio materials produced, unless by special agreement.
Where is Groote Eylandt?
Groote Eylandt is in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Territory, in the tropical zone of Australia