ababurna-langwa alyarrngwalilyaevery night
abuburna-langwa mamarikaevery year
aduwaba alyarrngwalyilyatonight
aduwaba wurdarriyawiyathis morning
ajalingkwur.da angalyaclean place
ajalkawarriya angalyadirty place
ajirrkawarriya akungwadirty water
ajirrmungkwur.da akungwaclean water (clear water)
akilarrkamarikadry season (windy attribute)
akilarrkiyelyukawet season (rainy attribute)
akwungwariver plus fresh water
amangkadirraintroduced into Anindilyakwa community
amawalyuwaripe - become ripe (flowers)
amungkwurrumalyaleave - not wanting to leave
angalyaname of our country, place, camp, home
arnungkwaya akwa mingkiyadatomorrow or another night
arukwanot ripe - not ripe, raw
awalyuwaripe - ready to eat, cooked
awirrikalya angalyafar from country
ayangkwulyumida angalyamainland
daburrakamy daughter [lady speaking]; my niece [male speaking]
daburraka ... duplicatemy daughter
dadikakakirumakaa female teacher
dadingawife [affectionate term]; sister-in-law
dadingiyarrkamy wife; my sister-in-law
dadingiyarrka-murriyamy husbands sisters
dadingiyarrka-murriyamy wifes sisters
dadingkwarbumamarried woman (older child says this)
dadinungkwarbumamarried woman (little child says this)
dadiyarasingle girl, a girl who has not had a baby
dadiyawarrkamy daughter [man speaking]
dadiyerruwasingle woman, 20+ years
dambarrngarnahow many - with 'd' words
dangalayumawoman who has a home
dangariyaminjenayoung female with baby
dingwiyarrkamy fathers sister therefore my aunt
dirndirrka-murriyamy mothers sisters etc
dirndirrka-murriyamother and all her sisters
diyukwujiya dadiyaralittle girl, 0-11 years
dukwululuwawafrill-necked lizard
dukwululuwawafrill necked lizard
dumawurduwurdawedge-tailed eagle
duminjarrka or abijigrandmother - fathers mother or granny
dungkwarrka or kakugrandmother - mothers mother
dungwiyarrkaaunt - fathers sister
duwedirrawhite cockatoo (big ones and little ones)
ekalyalying- not telling the truth
engka-manja mamarikanext or another year
eningabagood, nice, excellent, good guy
eningarijilangwa ekirralast name
kiningekburakinamahe will make
kiningekburakinama enungkwaa person knows how to make spears - usually wire prong like amuwara
kirijumijaChristmas time (Christmas attribute)
kirimadadarising (cream of tartar)
Laka nungkuwa ningkeningaba aduwaba?*How are you today?
Laka nungkuwa ningkeningba na?Are you ok?
mamawura, dumamawurasun, day, time, watch, hour
mambarrngarnahow many - with 'm' words
nabalijaone male ceremonial leader
nabudinarise (in sense of swell up)
naburrakamy son [lady speaking]; my nephew [man speaking]
naburrakamy son [lady speaking opp moiety]; my nephew [man speaking same moiety]
nadadina, nawalyuwadinacook - it got cooked, it was cooked
nadidirrakajungwunacrawl - they crawled
nakakiruma(he knows how) spearmaker
nalarrinapass - they passed away
nalarrina nengkilarrinafall - they fell
nalawurradinago - they went back
nalawurradinareturn - they returned
nalukweyinadance - they danced
nalungkuwarringinagrow - it grows
nalyakwuwardenamaclap - many people clapping
nalyelyingminalike - they liked
nalyelyingminalove - they loved
nalyingeyinahold - they held each other
nalyumadinago - they went away
nalyungkweyinapaint - they painted each other
namamburambajinarub - they kept on rubbing something hard in their hands
namangbilyungkwenarub - they rubbed something soft in their hands and it covered their hands
namarngkilawurr akajungwunaremind - they reminded themselves
namidilyakbinacough - they were coughing
namidiyinacurl - they curled up beside someone
namidiyinahuddle - they huddled together
naminangkirreyinachase - they chased them away
namungkadinadig - they dug for water
namurndamar.dinaache - they were aching all over
namurrkwulinalie - they lay down
nangambajajungwunapour - they poured (water) on themselves
nangaringarukuminafish - they kept on fishing with a line
nangariyamurenayoung male with baby
nangarningmindangaflash - it flashed
nangarukuminafish - they fished with a line
nangurrkwenahunt - they hunted
nangwadinacry - they cried (tears)
nanyirrngminablow - they blew their noses
narakbinaplay - they played a didjeridu
naridangachop - they chopped down
narilarrmangachase - they chased it
naringkiyindangabreathe - they were breathing with difficulty
narirerrmajuwadry - they dried it (in the sun)
narraburamukwafold - they folded it flat
narraburamukwamake something into a flat circle
narraburdangaroast - they roasted it in hot stones
narrabuwarrkahide - they hid them
narradakbajangacrush - they crushed it
narrakburranganacatch - they caught it
narralkuwayijuwapeel - they peeled it
narralkuwayijuwapull - they pulled off strips of something
narramangacatch - they caught it
narrangkarnacollect - they collected it (from where they left it)
narrangkarnafetched - they fetched
narrar.dirrangapierce - they pierced it
narrar.dirrangaprick - they pricked it
narrardarrika, narridakaheat - they heated it
narrardijuwacall - they called to them (to come)
narrarijanga**rub - they rubbed something on it
narrarjajuwa**make someone stand up
narrarrangbacollect - they collected it
narrarrangbagather - they gathered it
narrarrikarrangapaint -they painted patterns
narrarrkanapull - they pulled it
narrawiyebajuwaput - they put it inside.
narrembirrajinama wurriyukwayuwachild carer
narreningabakaheal - they healed someone
narreningabakamake someone better
narreningmikaknow - they let them know
narrerrbilyangacover - they covered it with something (that stuck on)
narrerrbilyangaput - they put something on something else
narribekajuwadrink - they made someone or something drink
narribekajuwa amalyirra-murrafill - they filled something with petrol or diesel
narridakacook - they cooked it
narridarbukwacollect - they collected them together
narridarrbukwamake something shorter
narrijirrkuwarakacarry - they carried water
narrijungwajuwadie - they made it die
narrijungwajuwakill - they killed it (and made it die)
narrijungwajuwamake a sore better
narrikarrangaput - they put it in the hot sand (to cook)
narrikarrangaroast - they roasted it in hot sand
narrikawarakacarry - they carried fire
narrikbilyuwalyakamake something flat and smooth
narrilalikaleave - they left it
narrilarrangapull - they pulled it out of the fire
narrilarrbakaplait - they plaited it
narrilarrkenalet - they let it go
narrilarrngkakumarnaput - they put things down
narrilikirakabuilt - they built it
narrilikiraka**raise - fire burns everything to the ground
narrilirakamake - they made a fire
narrilukwajajuwadance - they danced with something
narrilyangbajanga**hit - they hit it with a stone or stick, etc.
narrilyangburrangahit - they hit it on the head
narrilyangburruk wajuwafill - they filled it
narrilyangkilyang kuwamajuwanod - they kept on nodding their heads
narrilyanjawudangacarry - they carried it on their heads
narrilyingahold - they held it
narrilyungkwenapaint - they painted it
narringabukwajuwacarry - they carried it on their shoulder
narringakwuwarrk wajinachange (clothes)
narringambajuwapour - they poured something over their bodies
narringandadanga**poke - they poked its knees
narringarngku wayijuwapull - they pulled off something container shaped
narringarngkwudakaboil - they boiled it
narringekburakamake - they made it
narringkabajuwapull - they pulled out something
narringkajika, narruwurdijuwalift - they lifted it
narringkalyikamake something wet
narringkarrngarnacut - they cut it down
narrinjawudangaput - they put it into something
narriremberrbirrakamake something flat and wide
narriremberrkidakinacook - they cooked something flat
narriremberrkidakinaheat - they heated something flat
narrirerrmajuwaput - they put it (in the sun) to dry
narriringandangagrate - they grated
narrirubukwafold - they folded it
narrirungkwulangarub - they crushed and rubbed something on it
narriyawudangacollect - they collected firewood
narriyengbijuwacall - they called it (e.g. dog
narriyuwarnafollow - they followed it
narrlungkuwabijuwaplant - they planted it
narrubukwablow - they blew something
narrukwagive - they gave it (something)
narrukwarapull - they pulled it up, they pulled it in (fish on the line, etc.)
narrumakiruk bijangajuwamove - they moved camp
narrumalyangkajuwaplay - they played with something
narrumame mirrbajuwahit - they hit it on the neck
narrumamurikajuwahelp - they helped it
narrumangapick up - they picked it up
narrumilyangacarry - they carried it on their hip
narrumungkwudadanga menbapoke - they poked them in the eye
narrumungwuyakamake something soft
narrungwurrumungkwudena edirrarinse - they rinsed their mouth
narruwardangakill - they killed it
narruwarrkamake - they made a dillybag
narruwilyakacarry - they carried it
narruwuduwudikaaim - they aimed at something
narruwurdijuwaclimb - they put something up top
narruwurumbijuwacover - they covered it
narumungkwar.dinacrawl, one person
narungkwabajungwunabury - they buried themselves
narungkwabajungwunarub - they rubbed themselves (with sand)
nawalyarrafinish - they were finished
nawardiyinafight - they fought each other
nawurdangaclimb - they climbed
nawurduwurdangaclimb - they kept on climbing
nawurubijejungwacover - they covered themselves (with something in front of them)
nebarrka-murriyamy mothers brothers therefore my uncles
nebarrka-murriyamy mothers brother
nekbilyarrnginafall - it fell down
nekikamurndadinadie - the fire was left to die down
nekikamurndadinaleave - the fire was left to die down
nengburingkadinadry - they got dry, they were dry
nengkarrngarnabreak - it broke
nenikuwarrkamy son [man speaking]; my nephew [lady speaking]
neningahusband [affectionate]; brother-in-law
neningiyarrkamy husband; my brother-in-law
neningiyarrka - langwamy wifes or husbands brothers
neningiyarrka-murriyamy husbands brothers
neningiyarrka-murriyamy wifes brothers
neningiyarrka-murriyaall in-laws
neniyarringkaold man, father, uncle
nenjarrngalyilyasingle boy, 11-20 years of age
nerraburangburraka**flat - they flattened something round
nerrarrikarrangadraw - they drew it
neyabukeyinaeat - they ate together
neyar.daarrived - they arrived
neyikarrnginabreathe - they breathed their last
Ngambu-langwa nungkuwa ?Where are you going?
Ngambu-langwa nungkuwa nikilikenuma?Where have you come from?
ngekburakama eka-langwawood worker: make from wood
nilyangburrukwunabecoming full moon
Ningkeningaba aduwaba?*Good today?
niyukwujiya nenjarrngalyilyalittle boy, 0-11 years
numangekburakinam malamukwa[male] canoe maker
nungwarrk-murriyamy fathers brother
nungwarrka-murriyafather and all his brothers
nuwaburangkalook - they looked for
nuwabuwarrkajungwunahide - they hid themselves
nuwakbar.dangafrighten - they were frightened
nuwakburrangeyinameet - they met each other
nuwalilikenago - they went on and on
nuwalyadinahang - they were hanging, they hung
nuwambijanginacome - they came out
nuwambilyabe - they were (it was)
nuwandayalook - they looked for, looked around
nuwangkarrinablow - (the wind) blew
nuwangkarrina aburralangwa murra dirakadrive - they drove a truck or car
nuwangkidikarrinamove - they kept on moving
nuwangkirreyinafly - they flew
nuwanjalangahang - they were hanging out, they hung out
nuwanjirrikeyinalose - they lost weight
nuwarbarminumafeel - they felt around (for something)
nuwardangacall - they called out
nuwardangacry - they cried out
nuwardarkenalook - (the men) went looking for
nuwarndakbadanga*lie - they were lying around
nuwarndakenahunt - (the men) hunted
nuwawiyebenacome - they came in
nuwawiyebeyinaput - they put in
nuwengkirrikenahear - they heard
nuwengkirrikenalisten - they listened
nuwerrikbacatch - they caught plenty
nuwerriminjinaquiet (no noise)
warnikaburraother side [those others]
warnikakakirumakamen, women, Anindilyakwa & non-indigenous teachers
warnubawkidaa group who is crazy
wurrabalijaa group of ceremonial leaders
wurrabarda warkabusy, hard working
wurrambarrngarnahow many - with 'w' words
wurraringkamaelder, male or female
wurraringkawamany [those] clever people
yababurna-langwa yimawuraevery month
yadamake - to make, for making
yalina iya yalinaside, front, back
yambarrngarnahow many - with 'y' words
yemburrkwaparrot fish (blue tusk fish)
yibilyubilya angubinathunder clouds
yijirakamurraOlive Ridley turtle
yimarndakwabablue tongued lizard
yimungmarndalong-necked, freshwater tortoise
yingka-manja yimawuranext or another month
yingmungmarndalong-necked tortoise
yingu-ngwurrungkwulyukwakajuwamix - they mixed the dough
yingumawarrkinama mangkwurrkwabasket maker; she is working pandanus
yinikijungwa yimawuradead moon
yinungwakardasea eagle, osprey
yirnjirragolden trevally (coachwhip trevally)